Presale Date: May 28th at 12 PM UTC $POO Presale Price: $.00000015 $POO Public Price: $.0000002 (32% higher than presale) Swap Rate: 1 BNB to 11.5B $POO Min Cap: 0.1 BNB Max Cap: 0.5 BNB Hardcap: 80 BNB (Why is POOBSC raising 80 BNB?) Initial Listing: Pancakeswap Liquidity Lock: Minimum 1 Year

Getting $POOBSC is easy. Obtain $POOBSC as an early adopter using the steps below.

  1. Contribute $BNB Visit website on May 28th at 12 PM UTC to participate in the pre-sale.

  2. Receive Your $POOBSC Immediately receive $POOBSC to the wallet you swapped with (presale $POOBSC tokens are unlocked after the Pancakeswap listing)

  3. View $POOBSC on Exchanges $POOBSC will be listed on Pancakeswap and other centralized exchanges

Last updated